1. Beanbags are not make to be thrown overhand or hard underhand, but, softly underhand. We've had far too many split and ruined throwing overhand.
2. Use only the right equipment for each game. If you don't know, ask someone who does. Follow directions.
3. When you have used a game, put things back in order for the next person. Don't knock off the items and leave them on the ground and walk away.
4. The tetherball is not a kick ball or bat ball. Use only your hands. Grabbing the rope or holding the ball is a forfeiture of the game. Any action that takes advantage of your opponent other than swatting the ball with your hand is a forfeiture. No holding on the pole either.
5. Please leave the clothespin on the rubber gun. Not once in ten years have we gone back to check after people leave and found the clothespin still on the wooden gun. We've gone through dozens of clothespins.
6. We don't have a "Yankee" stadium to play baseball in…but a wonderful "Monique's Diamond" to play "fun-ball" in. This is a family game, no sliding, no stealing of bases, and having to be "hit" home. Pitched balls should be thrown so the person can hit it. Everyone's a winner at Bear Claw Valley. Everyone bats once then that side goes to the field. We don't count outs- just everyone bats each time.
7. "Slide-for-Life" cable is a possible injury activity if not done right. Wind up the rope and put it on the bar. Hang on the outside of the bar, sit down on the platform, "chin" yourself up till you start to go, then lower your arms showily to weight for 17 seconds, use the "T" bar to sit on. Adult supervision is a must, both in leaving and stopping at the far end. ABSOLUTELY NO BOUNCING OF THE CABLE OR TWISTING OF THE BAR!
8. DON'T USE GLOVES ON WIRE ROPE SWING. DON'T COME IN BACKWARDS! Be very careful not to over do it - fatigue can cause you to let go.