Rules Of Bear Claw

Enter Title

Due to the nature, location and facilities of our place, we have been unable to obtain insurance.  Thus, we are asking each individual to use what is available to his or her own risk.  We expect the following:

1.   Please turn in insurance and release forms on arrival - THIS IS VERY
2.   Please haul out any and all trash and garbage you have.
      Be very careful with all the trash, put gum, candy, or tissues in your
      pocket, you can put them in your garbage bag.
3.   Our buildings are of a dry-wall construction and are very fragile.  Please
      do not climb, walk on, sit or take apart.
4.   Most wild berries may be toxic, please don't pick them.
5.   Use the equipment for what it is intended for.  Do not take it out of its
      area.  Check all equipment for possible damage and/or unsafe features,
      such as loose heads, frayed rope, etc.
6.   Report or correct any unsafe practices by individuals.
7.   Only enter buildings for which you have permission to enter.
8.   Do no throw anything into the ponds or toilets.
9.   Please do not ask to drive the ATV'S.
10. Please no chewing gum, some of the small animals seem to eat discarded
      gum, and it causes them to die.
11. We have a lot of wild animals here and therefore we ask you not to harass
      any of them.
      ANY HARM.
12. Do not ring the big bell…this is only for emergencies.
13. Do not pick wild flowers.
14. Do not mark, carve, or mutilate our trees
15. No fireworks What-so-ever!
16. No shooting, you can go down the canyon for this
17. Please do not go in, on or above the spring in the valley
18. Please use the restrooms provided
19. Please do not climb on the roofs of the buildings at Fort Chad
20. Do not leave any water running
21. No Alcohol - No Tobacco
22. Our property extends only so far, so please stay within these areas:
      To the East:Don't go beyond 50 steps from the road.
      To the West:Don't drop down the hill.
      To the South:Please don't go up the hill that runs just past Triple-D (our
      cabin) unless you are on a guided tour.
      To the North:Our property runs out halfway through the creek.

A lot of times, work, and money have been used to make this place what it is.  Our Home.  We want you to enjoy it as we do.  Have a good time, and if we can help in anyway, let us know.